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Beck, Larry; Cable, Ted; Knudson, Douglas. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World. Sagamore Publishing.

Belanger, Blake. (2018). The Future Has Other Plans: Planning Holistically to Conserve Nature and Cultural Heritage. [Review of the book The Future has Other Plans, by J. Kohl & S. McCool]Journal of Community Archeology and Heritage. DOI: 10.1080/20518196.2018.1435179 

Cunha, Andre de Almeida; Magro-Lindenkamp, Teresa Cristina; McCool, Stephen Ford. (2018). Tourism and Protected Areas in Brazil: Challenges and Perspectives. Nova Science Publishing.

Fefer, J., De Urioste-Stone, S., Daigle, J., Silka, L. (2018). Understanding the Perceived Effectiveness of Applying the Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP) Framework for Recreation Planning: A Multi-Case Study in U.S. National Parks. Qualitative Report. 23(7): 1561-1582. Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova/tqr/vol23/iss7/6

Ghahramani, Ladan,; Khalilzadeh, Jalayer; &KC, Birendra. (2018). Tour guides’ communication ecosystems: an inferential social network analysis approach. Information Technology & Tourism20(1-4): 103-130.

Hallo, Jeff; Brownlee, Matthew; Hughes, Matthew; Fefer, Jessica; Manning, Robert. (2018). The Experiential Carrying Capacity of a Barrier Island: A Norm-Based Approach at Cumberland Island National Seashore. Tourism in Marine Environments. 13(2): 121-140.

KC, Birendra; Morais, Duarte; Seekamp, Erin; Smith, Jordan; Peterson, Nils. (2018). Bonding and Bridging Forms of Social Capital in Wildlife Tourism Micro-entrepreneurship: An application of social network analysis. Sustainability, 10(2): 315.

KC, Birendra; Morais, Duarte; Stainback, George Andrew & Thigpen, Jack. (2018). The Use of Social Media and Peer Networking in Tourism Micro-entrepreneurship. Sustainable Communities Review: 57-69.

KC, Birendra; Paudyal, Ramesh & Neupane, Suman-Shree (2018). Residents’ perspectives of a newly developed ecotourism project: An assessment of effectiveness through the lens of an importance–performance analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research23(6), 560-572.

Kohl, Jon. (2018). Big Picture Perspectives: A Plan Means Little if it Doesn’t get Implemented. That’s why Planners Need to Take a Holistic View of the Process. Planning Magazine 84(10): 22

Kohl, Jon. (2018). How to Craft Strong Interpretative Themes with NAI’s New Book on Theme Writing. Proceedings of the National Conference of the National Association for Interpretation (NAI).

Kohl, Jon. (2018). How to Use Thematic Interpretation to Improve your Résumé. Legacy 29(4): 32-35

Kohl, Jon. (2018). Interpretive Theme Writer’s Field Guide: A Pocket Companion to Sam Ham’s Interpretation: Making a Difference on Purpose: How to Write a Strong Theme from Big Idea to Presentation. Interpress (National Association for Interpretation). Profiled PUP Book.

Kohl, Jon. (2018). Is Community Participation Enough for Park Planning? Park & Recreation Magazine (National Recreation and Park Administration): 20-22.

Kohl, Jon. (2018). Uniting Heritage to Save the World. Box 20.6. In book. Interpreting Cultural and Natural Hertiage for a Better World. Chapter: Global Interpretation. Editors: Beck, Larry; Cable, Ted; Knudson, Douglas

Kohl, Jon. (2018). The Overflight: A New Interpretive Tool for Interpretive Planning and Audience EngagementLegacy. Magazine of the National Association for Interpretation, 29(1): 11-13. January.

Kohl, Jon. (2018). Global Interpretation Chapter. “Uniting Heritage to Save the World, Box 20.6.” In L. Beck, T. Cable, & D. Knudson (Eds.) Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World (1): 452-453. Sagamore Venture.

Kohl, Jon & Antonieta Jiménez. (2018). Community Involvement and the Three Levels of Interpretation StandardsLegacy. Magazine of the National Association for Interpretation. 29(1): 32-34. January.

Kohl, Jon & Krause, Kathy (2018). Collaborative Interpretive Planning Cultivates Community. Legacy 29(3): 36-38

Krebs-Moberg, J., & Ormsby, A. (2018). Assessing the Effectiveness of a Community Food Security Project for Curriculum Development. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 1-12.

Morias, Duarte; Bunn, David; Hoogendoorn, Gijsbert; KC, Birendra. (2018). The potential role of tourism micro-entrepreneurship in the prevention of rhino poaching. International Development Planning Review40(4): 443-461.

Paudyal, Ramesh; Thapa, Brijesh; Shree-Neupane, Suman; KC, Birendra. (2018). Factors Associated with Conservation Participation by Local Communities in Gaurishankar Conservation Area Project, Nepal. Sustainability10(10): 3488.

Pradhan, Antaryami; Ormsby, Alison & Behera, Niranjan. (2018). Diversity, population structure, and regeneration potential of tree species in five sacred forests of western Odisha, India. Ecoscience26(1), 85-97.

Stainback, Andrew; Fedler, Tony; Davis, Stephen & KC, Birendra. (2018). Recreational Fishing in Florida Bay: Economic Significance and Angler Perspectives. Tourism in Marine Environments.

Urioste-Stone, Sandra; McLauglin, William; Daigle, Jon; Fefer, Jessica. Applying Case Study Methdology to Tourism Research. In book: Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality Management. Editor: Robin Nunkoo. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Vásquez, Manuel Gándara; Jimènez, Marìa Antonieta. (2018). Interpretación del Patrimonio Cultural: Pasos hacia una divulgación significativa en México. National Institute for Anthropology and History.

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