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Advancing Integral Heritage Management

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Country Representatives are both ambassadors for the PUP Consortium and lead facilitators of the PUP Process. 

The Consortium has developed a certification program to recognize the most experienced institutional representatives and bestow on them greater leadership responsibility. All of these members are independent consultants or work for other organizations but retain enough freedom to also serve the PUP Consortium.

New initiatives in a representative's institution often go through them first.


Lizbeth is a specialist in international environmental cooperation projects with more than 24 years of experience in sustainable development and more than 10 years collaborating in international certification processes in different components of sustainability. She is currently the General Director of Social, Natural and Cultural Heritage HESNAC AC, which preserves heritage by providing new visions and interdisciplinary actions that restore ecological balance, adapt to changes and promote community development while respecting human rights and historical and cultural heritage of each site. “We are in a world that has life and every day is different, everything changes and is transformed, so I promise to reinvent myself to make a difference.”

Ivonne oviedo - honduras

Ivonne is a professional in forest management (from the National University of Forest Science in Honduras), wildlife resources (from the University of Idaho) and protected natural areas (from the Autonomous University of Madrid), with more than 20 years of experience on project management related to natural heritage. During this time she worked in La Muralla National Park coordinating the Public Use Program as well as in in Celaque National Park as the Assistant Director, where she coordinated public use activities. She also was National Director of Protected areas in her country as well as the Executive Director of the Honduran Network of Private Reserves. In partnership with PUP Consortium, Ivonne worked as an instructor of an Interpretive training program supported by USAID in coordination with the Honduran Institute for Forest Conservation, protected areas and wildlife (ICF).


Carlos is a professional tourism guide specialized in ecotourism with emphasis on natural area heritage interpretation. He has more than 20 years of experience in tourism activity operations and outdoor education as well as the design and methodological, technical, and interpretive development of tourism and education programs and products. He currently works for the Organization for Environmental Protection and Education (OpEPA) as an instructor and operations coordinator for the Outdoor Education Programs. OpEPA is also PUP's official organizational representative in Colombia. Carlos also has worked as guide and environmental educator trainer with the Corporación Clorofila Urbana since 2008 and OpEPA's community strengthening programs since 2012, and a lead instructor in heritage interpretation training of tourism guides with PUP since 2010. He lives in Bogotá.


Maritza works in Tourism and social sciences. And also has a Masters in Communications with a focus on Conservation. In 2012 she created a company called Interpretación del Patrimonio Perú SAC with the goal of disseminating and developing the interpretive profession in the country. She also gives classes in the Sustainable Tourism and Hotelry School of the Universidad Científica del Sur as well as represents her country for the Latin American Congress for Heritage Interpretation.

PUP Global Heritage Consortium is a tax-deductible 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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