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Advancing Integral Heritage Management

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  1. Be profiled in our membership directory with access to all other members
  2. Enjoy discounts on webinars, courses, and PUP merchandise
  3. Be invited possibly to help in an organizational development project or assume a staff position
  4. Receive 3 post cards of heritage sites where we have worked in the world
  5. Receive 3 stickers of the PUP logo to put in places that encourage others to ask about the PUP Consortium (notebook computers, binders, bulletin boards, doors, foreheads, etc.)
  6. Receive a welcome letter
  7. Receive internal announcements prior to public announcement
  8. Represent PUP at events and conferences by handing out materials and products
  9. Meet PUP members or attend events or part of trainings in your country (subject to availability, space limitations and collaborator agreement)
  10. Support a mission and niche unique in the natural-heritage conservation world

What is PUP Consortium's unique niche WITHIN conservation?

  • We are equally concerned with natural and cultural heritage
  • We have a unique structure and business model designed for our global task: we are completely global and virtual (and thus need almost no overhead to fund). We have volunteer and pay-by-project membership and staff (thus need no staff overhead)
  • We have a specific focus: to strengthen managers and communities so they can manage their heritage in an adaptive, learning way
  • Learning is a central pillar to our structure and focus which is why we conduct our own research and publishing. (See our seminal book, The Future Has Other Plans: Planning Holistically to Conserve Natural and Cultural Heritage)

What kind of people are PUP Consortium members?

  • They strongly support the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, whether in small parks and museums in their home town or World Heritage Sites around the world.

  • They are dissatisfied with the way heritage is currently been managed: unimplemented plans, low levels of community participation, simplistic thinking, and inability to adapt quickly to a complex, changing world.
  • They are frustrated with money, time, and hope being wasted on highly technical management approaches that do not improve heritage conservation; they sense a broken system but aren’t necessarily sure how to fix it.
  • They appreciate out-of-the-box thinking for both the technical and social sides of management such as community development, public participation, dialogue, inclusion, power sharing, adaptive co-management, organizational learning, horizontal and holistic, integral organizations.
  • They support alternative approaches that draw on many fields and on real research rather than just sentimentality, intuition or flavor-of-the-month ideas.

Commitments of PUP members

Because there is so much to do and because no one on our staff has a salary, we envision an active membership, where all our members commit to three things:

  • Support and implement the PUP principles and values
  • Keep up to date with their annual contributions
  • Seek ways to help us further our cause of a more holistic approach to natural and cultural heritage management

PUP Global Heritage Consortium is a tax-deductible 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

© PUP Global Heritage Consortium 2024

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