Advancing Integral Heritage Management |
FOCUS AREAS | Team Webinarios History Testimonials PublicationsHERITAGE INTERPRETATION DEVELOPMENTHeritage Interpretation Development is the PUP Consortium arm that specializes in heritage management performance through the use of heritage interpretation, interpretive and experience planning, and product development. Its corps of instructors offer a variety of performance-building programs focused on key interpretive and public use skill sets and roles. Skills include Public Speaking, Graphic Design, Basics of Effective PowerPoint Presentations, Exhibit Design, Interpretive Research Methods, Interpretive Planning, Storytelling, Interpretive Evaluation, Product Design, Experience Planning, Public Use Planning for Heritage Areas, Itinerary and Product Management, New Models of Protected Area Management. Sometimes we contribute to offerings of other programs. How We Differ from Other Interpretive Training EffortsUnlike most interpretive training programs, ours focuses on the development of management performance, so we do not view interpretive training as either isolated or stand-alone. We work with organizations more than individuals to help them build their ability to use interpretation as a management strategy. Like the rest of the PUP Consortium, we adhere to the PUP Training Principles (link to principles) that focus on development more than just trainings. Here are specific ways we differ from other programs.